This Haunted Boomtown Sold For $1.4 Million. Now, Its New Owner Is Trapped There. (2024)

Back in the 19th century, Cerro Gordo was a lucrative mining town — that averaged a murder a week. Now, it sits abandoned and possibly haunted.

This Haunted Boomtown Sold For $1.4 Million. Now, Its New Owner Is Trapped There. (1)

This Haunted Boomtown Sold For $1.4 Million. Now, Its New Owner Is Trapped There. (2)

This Haunted Boomtown Sold For $1.4 Million. Now, Its New Owner Is Trapped There. (3)

This Haunted Boomtown Sold For $1.4 Million. Now, Its New Owner Is Trapped There. (4)

This Haunted Boomtown Sold For $1.4 Million. Now, Its New Owner Is Trapped There. (5)

This Haunted Boomtown Sold For $1.4 Million. Now, Its New Owner Is Trapped There. (6)

This Haunted Boomtown Sold For $1.4 Million. Now, Its New Owner Is Trapped There. (7)

This Haunted Boomtown Sold For $1.4 Million. Now, Its New Owner Is Trapped There. (8)

This Haunted Boomtown Sold For $1.4 Million. Now, Its New Owner Is Trapped There. (9)

This Haunted Boomtown Sold For $1.4 Million. Now, Its New Owner Is Trapped There. (10)

This Haunted Boomtown Sold For $1.4 Million. Now, Its New Owner Is Trapped There. (11)

This Haunted Boomtown Sold For $1.4 Million. Now, Its New Owner Is Trapped There. (12)

This Haunted Boomtown Sold For $1.4 Million. Now, Its New Owner Is Trapped There. (13)

This Haunted Boomtown Sold For $1.4 Million. Now, Its New Owner Is Trapped There. (14)

This Haunted Boomtown Sold For $1.4 Million. Now, Its New Owner Is Trapped There. (15)

This Haunted Boomtown Sold For $1.4 Million. Now, Its New Owner Is Trapped There. (16)

This Haunted Boomtown Sold For $1.4 Million. Now, Its New Owner Is Trapped There. (17)

This Haunted Boomtown Sold For $1.4 Million. Now, Its New Owner Is Trapped There. (18)

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A bird's eye view of Cerro Gordo, which has become an eerie tourist site for its sordid past.David Lofink/Flickr

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The ghost town of Cerro Gordo is located among the Inyo Mountains of eastern California.Wikimedia Commons

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The town has a cemetery of miners who died during the height of Cerro Gordo's silver mining production.

Residents also fell victim to the town's rampant crime, at one point dying at a rate of one murder per week.

David Lofink/Flickr

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A combination of boozy parlors and isolation from law enforcement created a dangerous environment in Cerro Gordo.David Lofink/Flickr

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Mining operations in Cerro Gordo began in 1866 and lasted until 1938. The town was among the largest producers of high-grade silver, lead, and zinc ore.Robert Shea/Flickr

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An abandoned shop in the ghost town of Cerro Gordo. During the height of its mining production, the town was home to 5,000 residents.David Lofink/Flickr

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Cerro Gordo is still quite difficult to reach. The town is about 200 miles from Los Angeles and the nearest community is 25 miles away, 10 miles of which are unpaved.David Lofink/Flickr

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Dust gathered on the town's old tools reflect decades of neglect.David Lofink/Flickr

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In 2018, the entire town sold for $1.4 million. It was bought by a group of investors who hope to turn it into a popular overnight destination.David Lofink/Flickr

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Some of the mines are still open and can be available for tours.David Lofink/Flickr

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An old truck, long abandoned along with the rest of Cerro Gordo, has become part of the ghost town's rugged landscape.Robert Shea/Flickr

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Cerro Gordo's mining production transitioned from silver and lead to zinc carbonate during the early 1900s. The town was largely abandoned by the 1950s.David Lofink/Flickr

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A broken old wagon in the middle of town.David Lofink/Flickr

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A panoramic view of Cerro Gordo. Its remote location has made nighttime in the town ideal for star-gazing. The current owners hope to build an observatory in the future.Deane and Natasha Schulze/Flickr

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One of the 22 remaining structures in town.David Lofink/Flickr

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An abandoned house in Cerro Gordo. Only one building in town has had running water since 2020 and it is the eight-bed bunkhouse which will be the first to undergo reconstruction.Flickr

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The town rests at about 8,500 feet above sea level.Robert Shea/Flickr

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The purchase of Cerro Gordo, according to the estate broker, was finalized on Friday the 13th.David Lofink/Flickr

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This Haunted Boomtown Sold For $1.4 Million. Now, Its New Owner Is Trapped There. (22)

This Haunted Boomtown Sold For $1.4 Million. Now, Its New Owner Is Trapped There. (23)

This Haunted Boomtown Sold For $1.4 Million. Now, Its New Owner Is Trapped There. (24)

This Haunted Boomtown Sold For $1.4 Million. Now, Its New Owner Is Trapped There. (25)

Inside Cerro Gordo, The Abandoned California Boomtown With A Sordid History

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Cerro Gordo was once a thriving, albeit violent, California mining town. It was a major producer of silver, lead, and zinc, but over the last century, it has become a ghost town with only one resident — its groundskeeper.

In 2018, a couple of young entrepreneurs bought the property for $1.4 million in an effort to revive its sordid past. Among their favorite buildings is one bloodstained saloon riddled with bullet holes.

The town has more recently made headlines after one of its new owners, Brent Underwood, became trapped there alone in a snowstorm. As of this writing, Underwood appears unshaken as he continues to live off canned foods on the 300-acre property under five feet of snow.

Indeed, he seems unbothered by Cerro Gordo's haunted past, where residents once died at a rate of one per week.

The Bloody History Of Cerro Gordo

This Haunted Boomtown Sold For $1.4 Million. Now, Its New Owner Is Trapped There. (26)

Robert Shea/FlickrCerro Gordo was founded as a silver and lead mining town in 1865.

Nestled in the Inyo Mountains of California, roughly 200 miles north of Los Angeles, lies the forgotten town of Cerro Gordo.

It may be abandoned now, but back in the 19th century, Cerro Gordo was once a bustling hub for mining silver. It was founded in 1865 following the discovery of silver in the area by a man named Pablo Flores.

The town's name is Spanish and translates to "fat hill." Once Flores set up silver mining productions in Cerro Gordo, it became a flourishing mining town.

In fact, Cerro Gordo was so successful that it eventually grew into the largest mining site for silver and lead in California. Despite this, Cerro Gordo never fostered a vibrant community.

This Haunted Boomtown Sold For $1.4 Million. Now, Its New Owner Is Trapped There. (27)

Andy Tolsma/FlickrBy 1920, only 10 miners were employed at Cerro Gordo.

This was largely due to its remote location. Even today, the closest grocery store is about 25 miles away in Lone Pine, and 10 miles of that journey is still mostly dirt road.

At its peak, there were about 5,000 residents living in Cerro Gordo. But with no quick access to law enforcement — and plenty of access to booze in the saloons around town — violence governed the community. The town's miners made a habit of putting sandbags in their bunks to top stray bullets from killing them at night.

Becoming A Ghost Town

This Haunted Boomtown Sold For $1.4 Million. Now, Its New Owner Is Trapped There. (28)

David Lofink/FlickrCerro Gordo has since become a must-see for ghost hunters.

As the criminal situation in Cerro Gordo worsened and the price in silver fell, the town's mining production slowed. Luckily, high-grade zinc was found in the area in the early 1900s, and the local economy once again boomed as Cerro Gordo became the largest producer of zinc carbonates in the U.S.

By 1938, Cerro Gordo fully transitioned to producing zinc but the mines soon closed for good. This, in turn, caused a decline in the town's population as residents began to move out to look for jobs elsewhere. It was finally largely abandoned in the 1950s, then later became an attraction for ghost-hunting tourists or a quirky party rental for urbanites.

Today, 22 of the town's original buildings still stand, including several houses, a church that is also a theater, a museum, and a general store. Some of the old mines are also still accessible.

The town's previous caretaker, Robert Louis Desmarais who coincidentally was a miner himself, lived on-site and oversaw the deteriorating property until 2018 when it was purchased by a couple of ambitious entrepreneurs for $1.4 million.

New Owners And Revival Efforts

This Haunted Boomtown Sold For $1.4 Million. Now, Its New Owner Is Trapped There. (29)

Brent Underwood/InstagramOne of the town's current owners, Brent Underwood, inside the mines.

Before hostel owner Brent Underwood and a handful of investors purchased the historic town together, Cerro Gordo belonged to two brothers. The brothers, who have remained anonymous, inherited the property from their parents that reportedly lived on the site from the 1980s up until the early 2000s when they passed away.

"I fell in love with the combination of hospitality and history," Underwood, who is based in Texas where he owns a historic hostel, said of the site. "I was looking for a challenge, and I certainly got that, and more." The transaction, according to the estate broker, was fittingly finalized on Friday the 13th in July of 2018.

The town is now protected under the Cerro Gordo Historical Foundation.

According to Underwood, there is no shortage of creepy stories in the history of this ghost town, making it a ripe travel location for adventurous tourists.

"There's a story that 30 miners got trapped in one of the mines underneath the building I live in," Underwood said. "As grim as it is, they're still down there."

The ghost town made headlines most recently following reports that Underwood was stuck there.

Underwood had driven from Texas to California before statewide lockdowns in response to the Coronavirus pandemic were put into effect. Desmarais left the property to be with his wife during the lockdown, leaving Underwood on his own.

This Haunted Boomtown Sold For $1.4 Million. Now, Its New Owner Is Trapped There. (30)

David Lofink/FlickrThe property keeper confirmed ghostly sightings around the site at night.

The brief trip took an unexpected turn when a snowstorm hit Cerro Gordo, leaving the new owner with no way to get out. He documented his time in the abandoned ghost town and shared it on social media. He was staying in the allegedly haunted Belshaw House.

Among the properties in Cerro Gordo, the Belshaw House is a two-bedroom home that once belonged to Mortimer Belshaw, one of the town's leading figures. Belshaw had a lot of influence; he owned the general store, built the toll road, and owned the mines.

"He just owned everything, and he touched every part of commerce here," Underwood told The New York Times.

This Haunted Boomtown Sold For $1.4 Million. Now, Its New Owner Is Trapped There. (31)

Brent Underwood/Cerro GordoThe current owners hope to rebuild the town and add a music studio and observatory.

Nevertheless, Cerro Gordo's new investors still plan to renovate the grounds for future tourists. The town's eight-bed bunkhouse, where Desmarais had already installed a functioning water pump, will be the first to be restored.

Further construction plans include a music studio inside the bunkhouse and an observation deck as the clear skies above the isolated mining town make for unbelievable star-gazing.

Cerro Gordo will be open for business, but perhaps just don't plan to go to this haunt alone.

Now that you've learned about the ghost town of Cerro Gordo in California, check out these 34 unforgettable photos of China's massive, uninhabited ghost cities. Then, take a look at 23 eerie photos taken inside Burj Al Babas, the Turkish ghost town filled with fairytale castles.

This Haunted Boomtown Sold For $1.4 Million. Now, Its New Owner Is Trapped There. (2024)


This Haunted Boomtown Sold For $1.4 Million. Now, Its New Owner Is Trapped There.? ›

The town has more recently made headlines after one of its new owners, Brent Underwood, became trapped there alone in a snowstorm in 2020. He seems unbothered by Cerro Gordo's haunted past, where residents once died at a rate of one per week.

How much did a guy pay for Cerro Gordo ghost town? ›

In July 2018, Underwood purchased the former mining town of Cerro Gordo alongside the Cerro Gordo Mines for $1.4 million with a group of investors.

Why did Brent buy Cerro Gordo? ›

“I think that for the longest time, I was looking for that thing to kind of sink my teeth into and give my all to,” Brent says. Now that he's found it, the plan is to turn Cerro Gordo into a destination for history buffs and outdoor enthusiasts alike.

Who owns Cerro Gordo now? ›

Brent Underwood - Owner - Cerro Gordo | LinkedIn.

Who bought an abandoned ghost town? ›

Brent Underwood, who rose to fame as the sole permanent resident of abandoned town Cerro Gordo, is the author of the new book called “Ghost Town Living.”

Does anyone live in Cerro Gordo? ›

Mining of silver and lead peaked in the early 1880s, with a second mining boom producing zinc in the 1910s. During its peak, Cerro Gordo was home to some 4,700 people and the site is known as a California ghost town today.

How much is Cerro Gordo worth? ›

It is possible to buy entire towns these days. A little over a month after a 19th century ghost town in California called Cerro Gordo went on sale, Brent Underwood bought it for $1.4 million, real estate agent Jake Rasmuson said.

Can anyone visit Cerro Gordo? ›

It is privately owned and operated by the Cerro Gordo Historical Society. Because this is on private land, permission to visit must be obtained. Do not try to enter buildings without the caretaker there to give you a tour and do not remove any items from this historic site.

How many people died in the Cerro Gordo mine? ›

“Cerro Gordo's deadliest mine disaster struck in the early 1870s when a cave-in killed at least eight and as many as 35 Chinese miners.

How many people live in Cerro Gordo Ghost Town? ›

Perched at 8500′ in the Inyo Mountains above the Owens Lake, Cerro Gordo is the most well preserved ghost towns in California. The town blossomed to a population of 4800 hearty souls after the discovery of silver in 1868.

What movie was filmed at Cerro Gordo? ›

5. The Lost Treasure of Cerro Gordo. Sam, Colby, Jake, and Corey adventure into a ghost town located in California by the name of Cerro Gordo, on a search for valuables hidden in the ghost town.

What happened to the hotel at Cerro Gordo? ›

In the newest chapter in the strange saga of the mining town of Cerro Gordo, the town's hotel burned down on the anniversary of the year it opened – almost 150 years later. Underwood, a marketer, plans to rebuild, and a GoFundMe page has been set up where people can help with the costs of the construction.

What mining town in California is abandoned? ›

Bodie. California's most famous ghost town was, for a few years in the late 19th century, a booming, teeming and dangerous mining community, topping 5,000 residents in 1880. After the boom ended and most of the population quickly left, more and more of Bodie's buildings began to sit vacant.

What state has the most abandoned ghost towns? ›

So the majority of ghost towns date from the 1880-1940 period of westward expansion and industrialization. Texas and California top the list thanks to mining and oil towns, with Texas surging after 1901's Spindletop discovery and California towns booming in the rail expansion of the 1880s.

What California town was bought for 22 million? ›

Eagle Mountain, Calif., sits nestled just outside the Joshua Tree National Park, about three hours east of Los Angeles. No one has lived there for roughly 40 years, but a mysterious buyer just paid $22.58 million for the ghost town.

How much did Brent Underwood pay for ghost town? ›

I bought a California ghost town for $1.4 million. Living here gets lonely — but I've found my purpose. When he was 30, Brent Underwood left Austin and moved to an abandoned mining town. While restoring the town, he realized that people approach finding a purpose the wrong way.

How much did Cerro Gordo buy ghost town for? ›

On Friday, Mr. Underwood and his friend Jon Bier became the latest owners of Cerro Gordo, which translates to “fat hill,” after buying it for $1.4 million. They plan to restore the town while preserving its past, Mr. Underwood said, adding that they hope to attract a variety of visitors.

How much did the abandoned ghost town cost? ›

Eagle Mountain, Calif., has a new owner. Eagle Mountain, Calif., sits nestled just outside the Joshua Tree National Park, about three hours east of Los Angeles.

How much did ghost town sell for? ›

A mysterious company has purchased the town for $22.6 million. One of California's biggest ghost towns has been sold to a mysterious buyer whose plans are unclear. Eagle Mountain, located in Riverside County near the southeast corner of Joshua Tree National Park, was once a bustling iron mine.

How many people died in Cerro Gordo Mines? ›

“Cerro Gordo's deadliest mine disaster struck in the early 1870s when a cave-in killed at least eight and as many as 35 Chinese miners.


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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.