Google Analytics 4 Segments: The Guide (2024) (2024)

Updated: January 28th, 2024

Segments are a great way to slice and dice your data to get better insights. Instead of looking at aggregated numbers (liketotal users or allconversions), you should drill down into your reports to find patterns and identify the most valuable users.

In this blog post, I will explain Google Analytics 4 segments, what they are, and where/how you can use them, and I will share several examples.

Table of Contents

– Hide the table of contents –

  • What are segments?
  • How to create segments?
  • 3 types of segments
  • Google Analytics 4 Segment Builder
  • Condition scoping
  • Sequence segments in Google Analytics 4
  • Excluding data in segments
  • Suggested segments
  • Different segment types = different features/content
  • Differences between Universal Analytics and GA4 segments
  • Ideas for Google Analytics 4 segments
  • Final words

Video tutorial

If you prefer video content, watch this tutorial from my Youtube channel.

What are segments?

A segment is a subset (read“a portion”) of data you can analyze. Instead of analyzing the data coming from all users, you might want to compare how all users compare to the traffic that is coming from the US.

Why is that useful? Because you might identify that for your business, the US traffic is more valuable and generates the largest part of your revenue. Consequently, you might want to target your marketing towards that audience (if you aren’t already doing that).

Other examples of fairly basic segments could be mobile traffic, desktop traffic, segment based on gender, age, level of engagement, etc.

How to create segments?

In Universal Analytics, you can find segments in most standard and custom reports. At the top of the interface, you could add additional segments and compare them while jumping between various reports.

Google Analytics 4 Segments: The Guide (2024) (1)

As you navigate from one report to another, the segments persist (which is super useful and convenient).

In Google Analytics 4, things are different. Even though you can technically compare different data subsets (by using comparisons), segments I explain in this blog post can be created/used only in exploration reports, such as Free Form, Funnel Explorations, etc.

To do that, go to Explore (on the left sidebar) and choose Free Form. Segments can also be used in other exploration techniques, but this time, let’s focus on Free Form. If you want to learn more about how to work with Free Form Explorations, read this guide.

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On the left column (Variables), you will find all the components/items you can use in the analysis, segments, dimensions, metrics, and more. The default list is not very comprehensive, but that does not mean you are limited. If you want, you can create and add more segments by clicking the plus icon.

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You can either build segments from scratch (by choosingCustom Segments) or you can choose one of the suggested segments. You can learn more about the suggested segments in this chapter.

Google Analytics 4 Segments: The Guide (2024) (4)

First, let’s select any of the custom segments, and I will do a quick overview of the interface. Later in this blog post, I will explain the differences between the three types of segments.

In my case, I clicked the User Segment. This will open the segment builder. It is split into two parts. On the left side, you will enter your segment’s conditions (which users/events/sessions to include/exclude).

On the right side, you will see the Summary (preview of how many users/sessions/events will be included in this segment). Also, you can choose to build an audience based on this segment.

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When you’re done editing the segment, you can click Save and Apply. Later in this blog post, I will focus more on each feature but before that, first, we need to understand the difference between each type of segment.

Three types of segments

When you start creating a new custom segment, you get three options:

  • User
  • Session
  • Event

In Universal Analytics (GA3), there were two options (User and Session segments). Now (finally!), we have the 3rd option (that Adobe Analytics users have been bragging about for a long time), Event Segments.

User segment is a segment that will include all events of users if they meet certain criteria.

Sessionsegment will include all events but only of those sessions that match the criteria.

Event segment will show only particular events that meet the criteria.

Sounds confusing? Let me illustrate this.

Let’s say we have a user who did two sessions on our website. The first session consisted of two page_view events and one click. The second session: one page_view, one add_to_cart, one checkout.

Google Analytics 4 Segments: The Guide (2024) (6)

Let’s create aUser segmentwhere a user didadd_to_cart (or, in other words,added at least one product to a cart). What kind of data will be included in the segment?All six events. Why? Because this user meets the requirement of at least oneadd_to_cart event. This means that the user segment will include all events of that user in your selected date range.

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Now, let’s move to session segments. Let’s say that I want to create a session segment where the event name isadd_to_cart. In other words, “show data of all sessions where at least one add_to_cart event occurred“. What kind of data will the segment contain?

All events of the 2nd session because that session had oneadd_to_cartevent. The first session didn’t.

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Finally, let’s look at the event segment. If you create a segment where the event name isadd_to_cart, it means that only those events that match the criteria will be included. Inthe session segment, we still get other events likepage_viewor checkout(because they are a part of the 2nd session). In the event segment, we would get only one event,add_to_cart. No other event will be included.

Google Analytics 4 Segments: The Guide (2024) (9)

I hope this made things clearer:

  • User segments include all data of users that match the criteria
  • Session segments include data from particular sessions that meet the criteria
  • Event segments include only particular events that meet the criteria

And now, let’s go back to the segment builder.

Google Analytics 4 Segment Builder

In the segment builder, you can configure conditions that will include certain users, sessions, or events. You can also add a set of conditions to exclude certain data. Data exclusion is explained in greater detail here.

Google Analytics 4 Segments: The Guide (2024) (10)

When you add new conditions, they can be connected with AND, OR, or condition groups.

To add new conditions, you can click onAdd new condition and then start looking for dimensionsyou are interested in.

Google Analytics 4 Segments: The Guide (2024) (11)

Just start typing what you want to find, and then the search will present organized results based on their type.

Google Analytics 4 Segments: The Guide (2024) (12)

Want to include users who have done a certain event? Just enter the event name.

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Looking for users who have completed two events (regardless of their order)? Then add another condition by clicking the AND button.

Google Analytics 4 Segments: The Guide (2024) (14)

Now you have just learned how to combine two conditions with AND. If you are looking for users who have visited one page or another, enter the first condition, click OR, and enter the second condition.

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Voilà! You now have used the OR operator too.

But what about the condition groups? What is the difference between the condition groups and using the AND?

In general, they are fairly similar. If you have one condition group with two conditions and they are connected with AND, this is the same thing as if you had two separate condition groups with just a single condition.

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However, condition groups are useful if you want to have different scopes in separate condition groups. EnterCondition Scoping.

Condition scoping

Condition scoping allows you to set different scopes in separate condition groups. And it can be managed by clicking this icon in each condition group.

Google Analytics 4 Segments: The Guide (2024) (18)

The available options here will differ depending on the segment type that you have chosen). Possible options are:

  • Across all sessions
  • Within the same session
  • Within the same event

If you chooseAcrossall sessions and you have multiple conditions in the same condition group, then it does not matter whether conditions A and B happened in the same session or the same event. If condition A happened in session 1 while condition B in session 2, the user’s data will still be included in the segment. Conditions under this scope must be met during the lifetime of the user.

If you choosewithin the same session, it means that conditions A and condition B must happen within the same session (even if you are creating a user segment).

If you choosewithin the same event scope, then all conditions in the same condition group must be met in a single event.

Confusing? That’s ok. The best way to explain condition scoping is by showing an example.Let’s say that we want to see the data of all users who match the following criteria:

  • Subscribed to a newsletter at any time in the past (event name:generate_lead)
  • Also, at any point in the past, I saw a particular promotion (event name: view_promotion) and made a purchase (event name purchase)during the same session.

To create this kind of segment, we would need to create two condition groups. The first one would look like this:

Google Analytics 4 Segments: The Guide (2024) (19)

The scope of this condition group is set toAcross all sessions. We don’t care whether the generate_lead event happened during the same session as the purchase or not.

The 2nd condition group would look like this. I added it by clicking “Add condition group”.

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Here we are using sequences because I want to see those users who have purchased after seeing a particular promotion. Let’s take a closer look.

Sequence segments in Google Analytics 4

If you are familiar with advanced segments in Universal Analytics, you probably already remember the possibility of including users or sessions where events occur in a particular order.

The same thing is possible in GA4 as well. However, only in user segments (while in UA, it was possible to use sequences in session segments too).

If you have a segment like this (view_promotion and purchase)…

Google Analytics 4 Segments: The Guide (2024) (21)

…it will show data from all users who have seen at least one promotion and made a purchase. But the order does not matter here. If a visitor first made a purchase and only later viewed a promotion, that user would still be included in this segment.

With the sequence segment, we can specifically tell GA4 that we are interested only if a purchase happens after the view_promotion. To do that, click Add sequence in the condition group.

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Then remove the initial Condition group (if you only want to use sequence in the segment). Click the trash icon.

Google Analytics 4 Segments: The Guide (2024) (23)

Now create all steps. Explore all the features based on what you have already learned in this blog post. However, I have several additional things to mention.

You can set the scope for the entire sequence. Or, if it makes sense to you, you can set different scopes on every sequence step.

Google Analytics 4 Segments: The Guide (2024) (24)

Another cool thing is to include time constraints in your sequences (for example, show me users who viewed the promotion and then purchased within the next 24 hours). This is a very welcome addition that was not available in Universal Analytics.

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To add new steps, click the Add Step.

Excluding data in segments

All condition groups are designed to include data. But what if you want to exclude something (for example, users who have already purchased from you)? Use exclusion groups.

To add it, clickAdd group to exclude, and a new group (with red color) will appear. There is one (fairly mysterious) setting called Temporarily exclude vs Permanently exclude. I am still investigating this because Google’s documentation is vague on this, and I still have too many questions.

From what I’ve learned, the temporary exclusion might be a good option if you create an audience from this segment. Let’s say that you have an audience with a 30-day membership. You want to include people who have visited a particular page on your site but exclude those who recently purchased. That way, your segment could look like this.

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From what I understand, if a visitor purchased in the last 30 days, it will be temporarily excluded from the audience. But once 30 days (after the last purchase) pass, the visitor will reenter the audience (once he/she revisits the page used in the segment’s settings). This is a great use case for retargeting campaigns where you can start showing ads to those who haven’t purchased in a while.

But again, some parts of this feature are still unclear to me. Hopefully, I will update this part once I learn more.

The other example could be this. You have a visitor who made a purchase 60 days ago. And you create a segment that excludes people who bought something.

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You have now applied the segment to your exploration report, and you are now analyzing the data of the last 30 days. Remember, that user purchased 60 days ago.

If your exclusion group uses “Temporarily exclude”, then the visitor will be included in your current analysis. Why? Because the purchase happened 60 days ago and you are analyzing the last 30 days.

If your exclusion group uses “Permanently exclude”, then the user will not be included in your current analysis. Why? Because even though you analyze the last 30 days, the user has purchased at some point in the past, hence the “permanent exclusion”.

As I have said before, there are still some things that are unclear to me. For example, how does the permanent exclusion work with event segments? Does it mean that if, at any point in the past, the event contained a certain parameter, it will not be included in the segment? This is still unclear, and I did not have a chance to investigate this deeper. If you know something, feel free to let me know in the comments.

Suggested segments

In the previous chapters, we were working with custom segments. Now, let’s take a look at the suggested segments.

Google Analytics 4 Segments: The Guide (2024) (28)

Currently, there are three types of suggested segments:

  • General
  • Templates
  • Predictive

If you choose one of them, they will either prefill some conditions in your segment, or their layout will look different. For example, if you select Purchasers, it will add two conditions to the segment:

  • Event is in_app_purchase
  • or event is ecommerce_purchase (which is a bug knowing that the recommended event for GA4 e-commerce purchase tracking is just “purchase”). If you seepurchase instead, the bug was eventually fixed.

Google Analytics 4 Segments: The Guide (2024) (29)

If you choose one of the segments in theTemplates tab, the layout of the segment builder will change. You will get a bunch of predefined dimensions you can use (or leave them blank). Here’s an example of the Demographics template.

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You cannot add additional dimensions/conditions. But in general, you can also use Custom user segments to build the same segments (but it might require a bit more time to select/configure every condition).

The last group of suggested segments (as of the moment of writing this blog post) is Predictive. These are using the machine learning capabilities of GA4. Based on your current data, GA4 tries to predict which users will likely convert soon (or churn).

But this is not for every business. You need to have a solid volume of conversions in order to benefit from this. For example, according to Google, you would need at least 1000 users who have purchased over a 7-day period in the last 28 days. These numbers are not possible for small businesses.

Different segment types = different features/content

In the previous chapter, I mentioned that the content/layout of the segment builder differs depending on what kind of segment you choose. The demographics segment will differ from the Acquisition or Purchasers segment.

But these are not the only differences. Some features are available only in certain segments. For example:

  • Sequences (at the moment of writing this blog post) are available only in the User segment
  • The availability of condition scopes also differs. But this is logical. User segments supportAcross all sessions, within the same session,and within the same event scopes. Session segments supportwithin the same sessionandwithin the same event scopes. Naturally, the event segment supports onlywithin the same event.

Differences between Universal Analytics and GA4 segments

In several places in this blog post, I have compared Universal Analytics segments vs. Google Analytics 4 segments. In this chapter, let’s sum everything up (and add new details).

#1. In Universal Analytics, segments are applied to almost all reports you view (except reports like Multi-channel funnels). In GA4, segments apply only to a single exploration. An exploration can contain multiple tabs (e.g., one with funnel analysis, the other with free-form exploration), so the segment applies to all tabs of the single exploration. But that’s about it. If you want to use the same segment in a completely different exploration, you will have to manually create that segment once again.

#2. You can build audiences from segments in GA4. You can also build retargeting audiences from segments in Universal Analytics.

#3. In Universal Analytics, you can create segment and/or user segments. GA4 allows you to create user, session, and event segments.

#4. There are some limits in Universal Analyticsthat do not apply to GA4 properties.

#5. In both versions of GA, segments are retroactive. When you create one, it shows filtered data that you have already collected.

Ideas for Google Analytics 4 segments

In this section, I wanted to give you several ideas of what kind of segments you can benefit from. Maybe this will inspire some new analysis.

Users who made more than 5 page_view events. You could create a segment for that, then build an audience, and then show ads to it.

Google Analytics 4 Segments: The Guide (2024) (31)

Exclude users who have logged in. If you are analyzing conversions, you should exclude those who have already converted a long time ago. Most likely, they are coming back to your site to log in to their account. By excluding them, you will have more accurate data of visitors who can potentially convert in the future.

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Technology segments (e.g. mobile vs desktop). Create two separate segments and then compare how they perform conversion-or-revenue-wise.

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Users who abandoned a cart. Create a segment where the event is add_to_cart (to have this event, you would need to implement GA4 e-commerce tracking. I teach how to do it in very great detail here) and exclude users who have purchased. You can now use this segment in the Funnel report to see where they fail in the checkout process.

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Google Analytics 4 segments: Final words

Segmentation is a powerful way to slice your data and analyze a particular subset of it. In Universal Analytics, you could apply the segment to almost any custom or standard report in GA.

In GA4, you are limited only to explorations. If you want to apply some filters to standard reports, you must use Comparisons. But they are way less powerful/flexible compared to segments. For example, you cannot create sequences in comparisons.

Nevertheless, GA4 introduced some very welcome features like event segments and time constraints in sequences.

Google Analytics 4 Segments: The Guide (2024) (2024)


What is GA4 in 2024? ›

With the latest Google Analytics 4 update in first half of 2024, Google Ads allows GA 4 users to directly create Audience for remarketing and campaigns with in Google Ads platforms. Select the respective Google Analytics 4 property in panel from which we want to use the audience data > Click Continue.

What are the segment types in GA4? ›

Types of Segments – GA4 allows you to create three types of segments as we discussed above (user, session, and events), whereas UA only has user and session-scoped segments. Sampling – Higher sampling limits in GA4 mean that you won't see it with segments so soon compared to UA where it kicks in quicker.

Why is GA4 replacing UA? ›

We can do pathing analysis and understand content performance in ways that were really hard to do in UA. Now migrating to GA4 provides us with an opportunity to rethink the data collection and remove all legacy tracking that was never used for anything.

What is Google Analytics 4 replacing? ›

Google Analytics 4 is our next-generation measurement solution, and it has replaced Universal Analytics.

What happens if I don't update to GA4? ›

Restricted E-commerce Reporting

If you run an e-commerce business, not upgrading to GA4 will mean that you won't benefit from its improved e-commerce reporting features. This could make it harder for you to understand user interactions with your products and optimize your online store for better sales and conversions.

Why is GA4 so different? ›

Data model: UA uses a session-based data model, while GA4 uses an event-based data model. This means that GA4 tracks each user interaction as an individual event, rather than grouping them together by session. Measurement: UA measures different devices and platforms separately.

Is Google shutting down Google Analytics? ›

On July 1, 2024, Google officially shuts down Google Analytics 3 (Universal Analytics). Brands will be unable to access any Universal Analytics properties or the API (not even with read-only access), and all data will be deleted.

What is the biggest difference between UA and GA4? ›

UA counts only one key event per session, for the same goal. GA4 usually counts multiple key events per session, for the same key event. To reduce key event count differences between your UA property and corresponding GA4 property, update your GA4 key event counting method setting to Once per session.

What is the problem with GA4? ›

GA4 Not Showing Revenue

One of the most common problems related to GA4 or Google Analytics 4 relates to revenue reporting. This can be anything from your currency value missing to your currency value being wrong. If the currency value is missing this will skew your eCommerce reports.

What are the biggest changes in GA4? ›

One of the key changes in GA4 is the shift to event-based tracking. Unlike the previous version, GA4 focuses on capturing and analyzing events, such as button clicks, form submissions, and video views, instead of relying heavily on pageviews.

Is Google Analytics being phased out? ›

Universal Analytics shuts down on July 1, 2024, forcing a swift transition to Google Analytics 4 to maintain data access and measurement capabilities. Google is discontinuing Universal Analytics, its legacy web analytics platform. This is the final shift in the transition to Google Analytics 4 (GA4).

Is it worth upgrading to Google Analytics 4? ›

Upgrading to Google Analytics 4 offers numerous benefits for businesses looking to stay ahead in the digital landscape. One of the key advantages is the ability to track cross-platform interactions.

What is GA4 in Google Analytics? ›

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is a comprehensive analytics tool for both websites and apps. It lets you see how users engage with your platform, so you can adjust your marketing efforts for better engagement. Here's the thing: GA4 tracks data differently from the former Universal Analytics (UA).

What are the changes in Google in 2024? ›

The new policy around scaled content abuse in the March 2024 spam update has expanded to include auto-generated content, allowing action against scaled content abuse regardless of whether it's created through automation, human effort, or a combination of the two.

What is the Google Analytics update April 2024? ›

April 9, 2024

You can now import data directly from Salesforce to Google Analytics as offline-event data. You'll be able to schedule daily or hourly imports, and select any existing Salesforce milestones and attributes you want to import.

What is GA4 equivalent? ›

Best for enterprise-level analysis: Adobe Analytics. Best for user privacy and security: Fathom Analytics. Best for balancing user privacy and in-depth analysis: PIWIK Pro Analytics Suite. Best for giving you control of your data: Matomo Analytics.


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Name: Frankie Dare

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Introduction: My name is Frankie Dare, I am a funny, beautiful, proud, fair, pleasant, cheerful, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.